Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Upcoming Carnivals

diamonhead ocean view
Originally uploaded by love・janine

Carnival of the Blue No. 31 is approaching. It will be hosted at Christie's Observations of a Nerd and is scheduled for December 7.

You can send submissions either directly to dotoftheblue @ gmail . com, or use the handy new submission form at blogcarnival.com. Remember to include:

- post URL
- author name
- brief summary

I've been getting a couple of submissions via blogcarnival.com that are just links to news articles or Wikipedia entries. Just to reiterate, the intent of a blog carnival is to feature blogs and the Carnival of the Blue entries should be germane to the ocean.

January's carnival will be at The Monterey Bay Aquarium's SeaNotes. There are other blank dates for 2010. If you are interested and able to host the Carnival, please let leave a comment.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Carnival of the Blue 30

You can't keep the love of science away from Carnival of the Blue 30!


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Carnival of the Blue at blogcarnival.com

I've created a page for the Carnival of the Blue at blogcarnival.com. This blogspot site here will continue to be the hub for CotB postings, but I'll be duplicating/automating some functions via blogcarnival.com in the future. The goal is to make the hosting and submission process as easy squeezy as possible.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Carnival of the Blue bloggers meetup at Science Online 2010

Several blue bloggers will be attending the Science Online 2010 conference in North Carolina this coming January. I'd like to propose a mini-meetup of past, present and future Carnival of the Blue participants sometime during the conference. Actually, anyone who loves the ocean is welcome to attend. I am open to ideas, but the first round is on Markme. I am also working on Carnival of the Blue schwag like buttons and T-shirts, so get your hopes up. Please leave suggestions in the comments or email them to me at dotoftheblue at gmail . com.

There will be several ocean-related sessions on the program, including:

  • Sat, 1/16, 11:30am – 12:35pm - Talking Trash: Online Outreach from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch – Miriam Goldstein, Lindsey Hoshaw, Annie Crawley and Bonnie Monteleone

  • Sun, 1/17, 9:00-10:05am - Broader Impact Done Right – Karen James, Kevin Zelnio, Miriam Goldstein, Rick MacPherson, Jeff Ives and Beth Beck

  • Sun, 1/17, 10:15 – 11:20am - Dive Into Your Imagination – Annie Crawley

  • Sun, 1/17, 10:15 – 11:20am - Darwin and the Adventure – The (i)Movie – Karen James and Kevin Zelnio

If I've missed anthing, please leave a comment and let me know.